Pay Per Lead

Our Pay Per Lead advertising services deliver cost-effective qualified leads that are based specifically on performance. Whether you are looking to pay for a lead, a call, or a sale…we can create a performance-based marketing model that will work for you.

What Is Pay Per Lead Advertising?

When compared with other forms of paid media, pay per lead advertising is a form of cost-per-acquisition (CPA) advertising. Instead of paying for impressions or clicks, the “acquisition” is a form submission, sale, subscription, or other conversion that allows the advertiser to capture a lead. The referral partner (advertiser) gets paid for generating a predetermined amount of leads each month for the client. Pay per lead advertising involves a more direct, transparent relationship between the lead and the company generating the leads.

How Pay Per Lead Advertising Works

Pay per lead marketing is a performance-based marketing program that is based entirely on a mutual agreement for the “per action” fee of our services. Whether you are talking about a pay per call, pay per lead, or pay per sale (or any other model you can name), the general premise of performance-based marketing is that you only pay when we deliver your end action. Typically, this is a pay per lead process where we acquire leads for your business for a set fee. The parameters of that agreement are defined before we ever start working.


No! Not every call is a legitimate, billable prospect. You do not need to spend for repeat calls, wrong numbers, solicitors, and so on. We only bill you for brand-new customers – GURANATEED

Any Questions or Concerns ?

Get in touch with us right away or book a consultation call!
